Because you like Ally Maine in A Star is Born

A lone wolf with a confrontational streak, Bigby wants to dedicate his life to doing good. See them in The Wolf Among Us.

Don't worry about this forensic scientist offing you unless you're a serial killer yourself. (You're not, right? Just checking.) See them in Dexter.

There are men who embrace destiny and do not show their fear. These are the ones that change the world forever. See them in Dragon Age Series.

A natural leader, Clarke Griffin dispenses both justice and mercy, and she does it all while being selflessly humble. See them in The 100.

Just because Dracula wants to suck your blood doesn't mean he's not a gentleman. See them in Dracula.

Mike Lane is magnetic, beefy, and street-smart, but how long can he keep up with the red-light scene? See them in Magic Mike.

Lucille Bluth doesn't understand the question, and she won't respond to it. And you're probably better off. See them in Arrested Development.

Castiel might be an immortal angel, but the human world is still more than a little confusing. See them in Supernatural.

Always headed towards adventure, Goku is frequently with a band of loyal companions at his side. See them in Dragon Ball.

Light Yagami has a plan to make a better world, and morals won't stop him. See them in Death Note.

Joel is a hardened, jaded survivor who keeps finding things to fight for. See them in The Last of Us.

Yugi Moto is a gentle soul whose determination and talent make him a formidable opponent. See them in Yu-Gi-Oh! .