Because you like Carlisle Cullen in Twilight

Inmate "Crazy Eyes" is a poetic soul with some big, expressive eyes. See them in Orange Is The New Black.

An intriguing bundle of contradictions, Sawyer Ford trusts no one on the island, and no one should trust him. See them in Lost.

Shaun is used to being lazy. And now, you're asking him to fight for his life? See them in Shaun of the Dead.

Eponine is a scrappy street urchin with a bad case of unrequited love. See them in Les Miserables.

Blake Henderson is happiest smoking weed on the roof ‘til the end of time, but the real world just has a way of killing his vibe. See them in Workaholics.

A believer in the pursuit of justice, Garrus Vakarian hates it when bad guys slip through the cracks of the bureaucratic justice system. See them in Mass Effect.

Father to a murdered son and husband to a murdered wife, Maximus Decimus Meridius will have his vengeance. See them in Gladiator.

Is there more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking? Derek Zoolander thinks not. See them in Zoolander.

A vain and arrogant womanizer, Roy Mustang has hidden depths. See them in Fullmetal Alchemist.

Captain Spock is on a five-year mission exploring the final frontier and boldly going where no man has gone before. See them in Star Trek.

Castiel might be an immortal angel, but the human world is still more than a little confusing. See them in Supernatural.

Everyone Barney Stinson knows is getting married or pregnant. But he's just getting more awesome. See them in How I Met Your Mother.