Because you like Kallen Stadtfeld in Code Geass

Buttercup is a farm girl turned princess who'd do anything to have her old life back. See them in The Princess Bride.

Chandler Bings keeps his friends on their toes with his cutting wit, all the while trying to discover his own place in life. Could he BE any funnier? See them in Friends.

Ron Burgundy is a news anchor who signs off with "Stay classy, San Diego" or whatever his teleprompter says. Bonus: he plays the jazz flute. See them in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

Tyler Gage is going to have to step up soon on the dance floor. Otherwise, it's back to janitorial work. See them in Step Up.

An escaped convict on a mission, Sirius Black is brooding, brave, and reckless. See them in Harry Potter Series.

A bookish know-it-all with a bossy streak, Hermione Granger always stands up for what she believes in. See them in Harry Potter Series.

Captain Spock is on a five-year mission exploring the final frontier and boldly going where no man has gone before. See them in Star Trek.

It doesn't matter how noble or brave he is. Jon Snow is a bastard, and people don't let him forget it. See them in Game of Thrones.

A baker turned reluctant fighter, Peeta Mellark can charm his way out of just about any situation. See them in The Hunger Games .

Alison DiLaurentis believes you're always better off with a really good lie. See them in Pretty Little Liars.

Dimitri Belikov is a stoic vampire guardian who has the reserve, focus, and discipline of a soldier. See them in Vampire Academy .