Because you like John Locke in Lost

Ava may just be the perfect woman. So long as she can pass a Turing test. See them in Ex Machina.

Captain Spock is on a five-year mission exploring the final frontier and boldly going where no man has gone before. See them in Star Trek.

Jim Halpert is a master at the art of making it through the work day, including participating in an office Olympics. See them in The Office.

K-2SO is a blunt and sarcastic reprogrammed Imperial droid who is always up for an adventure. See them in Rogue One.

Michonne 's light on conversation and deadly with a blade. See them in The Walking Dead.

Don't worry about this forensic scientist offing you unless you're a serial killer yourself. (You're not, right? Just checking.) See them in Dexter.

Although Mako Mori may be small and quiet, she is a core of battle-hardened steel. See them in Pacific Rim.

Despite the war-torn world around him, Mal Reynolds still holds onto the shred of hope that life can be more than just living another day. See them in Firefly.

Anya Jenkins has a real harsh bark to go with her demonic bite. See them in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Though she can seamlessly flit between glamorous identities, Sydney Prosser is more vulnerable than she pretends to be. See them in American Hustle.

Veronica Mars is a sarcastic private eye whose biggest mission is surviving high school. See them in Veronica Mars.

An underdog with nothing left to lose, Donnie Creed has everything to prove. See them in Creed.