Because you like Barbie in Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse

Nothing instills more fear in the Empire than the deep kshhh of Darth Vader breathing through his helmet. See them in Star Wars Series.

Princess-turned-General Leia Organa is a sharp, fearless royal who gets herself into trouble and fights her way out of it. See them in Star Wars Series.

A tough and compassionate loner, Emma Swan just might be the key to saving an entire fairy tale world. See them in Once Upon a Time.

There's no one cooler than this intergalactic smuggler who hangs out in dens of iniquity all over the galaxy. And Han Solo knows it! See them in Star Wars Series.

A determined rookie cop , Judy Hopps has her floppy bunny ears to the ground. See them in Zootopia.

Chandler Bings keeps his friends on their toes with his cutting wit, all the while trying to discover his own place in life. Could he BE any funnier? See them in Friends.

What Ron Weasley lacks in motivation and book smarts, he makes up for in loyalty and street smarts. See them in Harry Potter Series.

Barry Allen is a nerd, forensics expert‚ and superhero with supersonic speed who is determined to solve his mother's murder. See them in DC Extended Universe.

An escaped convict on a mission, Sirius Black is brooding, brave, and reckless. See them in Harry Potter Series.

His murderous megalomania aside, Loki is quite charming. Just don't mention his strapping older brother; he's a tad jealous. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.