Because you like Macbeth in Macbeth

Despite the war-torn world around him, Mal Reynolds still holds onto the shred of hope that life can be more than just living another day. See them in Firefly.

Liesel Meminger is trying to ease the suffering of those around her, German and Jew alike. See them in The Book Thief.

It's a race against time to develop his theory of the origins of the Universe before Stephen Hawking's body and mind give out. See them in The Theory of Everything.

Protecting his family's name and its power are more important to Tywin Lannister than anything or anyone. See them in Game of Thrones.

Chuck Bartowski is a sweet, laid-back electronics store/top secret government employee. See them in Chuck.

Ultron is security software turned evil mastermind. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Michaelangelo is an above-ground crime-fighter by night, and a pizza-eating, sewer-dwelling mutant ninja turtle by day. See them in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

If anyone can speak truth to power, it's Atticus Finch. With elequent monologues, he forces everyone to face hard truths. See them in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Honest, true, and just, Ned Stark is a good man. Unfortunately, those traits are not assets in Westerosi politics. See them in Game of Thrones.

Once a handsome prince, the Beast is now a grumpy, furry, monster. It's hard to pinpoint which mammal he resembles the most. See them in Beauty and the Beast.