Because you like Tessa Young in After

He's an eccentric pirate making it up as he goes along. He's Jack Sparrow, savvy? See them in Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl.

Barry Allen is a nerd, forensics expert‚ and superhero with supersonic speed who is determined to solve his mother's murder. See them in DC Extended Universe.

An escaped convict on a mission, Sirius Black is brooding, brave, and reckless. See them in Harry Potter Series.

With great power comes great responsibility, but Peter Parker always seems to get the short end of that bargain. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Smart and sensitive Sam Winchester tried to escape the family business, but ghosts have a way of haunting you. See them in Supernatural.

Castiel might be an immortal angel, but the human world is still more than a little confusing. See them in Supernatural.