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Marshall Corey
New York

Bringing old school to CharacTour (and some new stuff, as well).

Noel Riviera

If you want to know what my mind feels like, imagine a web browser with 2,857 tabs open. All. The. Time.

Sydney Crosslin
A Rather Comfy Chair

Hello! I'm just an average girl who definitly hasn't got plans to devour the souls of the innocent. Yup, completely normal.

Rebecca McMahon O'donoghue Burke
Basildon, United Kingdom

Outgoing, Wild. I love to play Violin. I love to act. I also love; Free Running, Climbing, Horror's, Camping, Sherlock, Hannibal, Hobbit, David Bowie, The Enemies, Ouat, Eurielle, Grimm

Sushi Day Song
Virtupets Space Station

HEY! My name is Sushi! I'm a smol nerd who's unhealthily obsessed about fictional characters. My current Passions are Love Live, Neopets (don't judge me), and memes. Icon by

Mickey Cacek

UofM grad, loves playing soccer and watching movies. Sometimes my friends hate me because I make too many puns.

Michelle Busch

A Gryffindor nerdy chick who likes doctor who and playing outside.