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Lacey L. Wodehouse

I'm a SuperWhoLocked Potterhead who lives in District 12. I am Destiel trash. Follow me on Wattpad: @swl_p_d12

Leerza Sherry

I am a nerd. that is all you need to knwo

Christina Bies
Chicago, IL

Rapunzel mixed with a bit of Clara Oswald.

Ana Scapini
São Paulo - SP, Brasil

The social platform that I use is Instagram: (Some acquaintances asked me to create any media possible, now they can't bother me with that subject)

Shannon Schreier

I just wanted to take the quiz.

Abigail Morrison

Excited energetic joyful loud crazy ambitious adventurous persistent determined

Geeker Joy
Somerville, NJ, United States

My idea of a good party is to invite friends over for potluck and binge-watching sci-fi/fantasy tv shows. If I went to Hogwarts I'd probably be sorted into Ravenclaw. On a good day my hair is purple.