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Faith Jezek

INFJ. Gryffindor. Pukwudgie. 2w3. Neutral good. Divergent. Phlegmatic-Choleric. Libra.

Anastasia Christine

A flute-playing fitness nerd, former cheerleader, mechanical engineering major.

Emma Johnson
Shiz University

Honestly I'm just an overall crazy nerd! Musicals and books are life! Also, I'm a huge S.T.E.A.M. advocate. INFJ/P and nuetral good. Ravenpuff :)

Kiara Carrell
In a Garbage Bin

I'm not really sure how to describe myself other than different.

Lauren Craig

I'm horrible at describing myself, but the characters I like are the ones I generally agree with. The titles are not an exhaustive list. For more in depth info, talk to me.

Emily Weber

A shy, awkward geek who loves cartoons, sci-fi, superheroes and anything that will give her a good laugh.

royal goof

entp 7w6.............................................................;;...............................................

Ilana Pike
Andover, MA, United States

a simple egg trying my best. 18 years old. bi af. human disaster. proud slytherin. a writer who never writes. feel free to message me and become my friend but be warned i'm super awkward