Most Popular Users

Valeria Pressler

I'm a CS major who loves languages and getting into really immersive stories.

Mandi Schul

Introverted nerd who loves anything animal related and spends most of her time writing, reading, drawing, or cheering on her favorite racehorses.

Veronica Murdock

Bored teen who does nothing but watches tv or plays video games. There are two sides of me, I'm either moody and brooding or light hearted and cheery. ENTP.Virgo

Skylee Mcweirdy

Weird, Awkward, Uncomfortable, confused but I like people, books, cartoons, Doctor Who, being a dork, musicals, and pop punk/ emo like mcr, fob and my fav, Panic! At the Disco.

Matt Evans
Pasadena, CA, United States

I'm funny in a twisted and quirky kind of way.

Katy Newell
The Fortress of Solitude

Sometimes fictional characters make the best friends.

Whitney White
Sacramento, CA

I love characters. And lists. And organizing. Nerd. INTJ. Hufflepuff. Lawful Good. 1w9. Paradoxical.

Sheena Curtis
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

INFP Faerie Bookworm Illidari Demon Hunter Tenno

Jack C.

Algebra, Long-distance running, and playing the piano: Things I find so difficult they may as well be sorcery. I like movies, obsessing over history stuff, and being totally baller at scrabble.

Mary Lyszczarz
Deerfield, NY, United States

Avid bookworm, lover of musicals and other entertainment.