Title Recommendations based on Queen Ravenna

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

15-year-old freshman Charlie is an endearing and naive outsider who is taken under the wings of two seniors. A moving tale of love, loss, fear and hope—and the unforgettable friends that help us through life.

Dazed and Confused

Dazed and Confused follows the adventures of a group of Texas teens on their last day of school in 1976. The film focuses on Randall Floyd, who moves easily among stoners, jocks and geeks. Floyd is a star athlete but he also likes smoking weed—which presents a conundrum when his football coach demands he sign a "no drugs" pledge.


In Arrow, spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen becomes a new man. After his father's death, he is focused on his father's last dying wish for him: to right his past wrongs. After years of honing his survival instincts, strength, and archery skills on the island, Oliver dons a green hood and begins using his abilities to fight crime in the city.


Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate—until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.


Nick Burkhardt is a homicide detective with the Portland Police Department. Nick recently discovered that he is not actually human, but rather a supernatural guardian called a Grimm. It is his heritage to maintain the balance between mythological creatures, who are hiding amongst us in plain sight, and humans. Be ready to be pulled into a series that successfully blends the whimsy aspects of fairy tales with the dark underbelly of our reality.

Roman Holiday

Overwhelmed by her suffocating schedule, touring European princess Ann takes off for a night while in Rome. When a sedative she took from her doctor kicks in, however, she falls asleep on a park bench and is found by an American reporter, Joe Bradley, who takes her back to his apartment for safety. At work the next morning, Joe finds out Ann's regal identity and bets his editor he can get exclusive interview with her, but romance soon gets in the way.

Anne with an E

Anne with an E centers on a young orphaned girl in the late 1890's, who, after an abusive childhood spent in orphanages and the homes of strangers, is mistakenly sent to live with an elderly woman and her aging brother.

Captain America: Civil War

Following the events of Age of Ultron, the collective governments of the world pass an act designed to regulate all superhuman activity. This polarizes opinion amongst the Avengers, causing two factions to side with Iron Man or Captain America, which causes an epic battle between former allies.

Kung Fu Panda

When the Valley of Peace is threatened, lazy Po the panda discovers his destiny as the "chosen one" and trains to become a kung fu hero, but transforming the unsleek slacker into a brave warrior won't be easy. It's up to Master Shifu and the Furious Five—Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey—to give it a try.

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony

Welcome to a new world of Danganronpa. A cast of 16 characters find themselves kidnapped and imprisoned in a school. Inside, some will kill, some will die, and some will be punished. Reimagine what you thought high-stakes, fast-paced investigation was as you investigate twisted murder cases and condemn your new friends to death.

The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory makes nerds cool. In Pasadena, California, geniuses Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard play Dungeons and Dragons, watch Star Trek, and idolize superheroes—while figuring out how to deal with those with a lower IQ. But that's not easy as Sheldon admits: "I often forget other people have limitations. It's so sad."

The Get Down

In New York City in the late 1970's, Grandmaster Flash has taken Shaolin under his wing and promises to show him the secrets of hip-hop, including the "get down," the section of a song with the most infectious beat. Shaolin can spin records, but he doesn't have the words to accompany the music. When he meets Zeke Figuero, a younger kid also from the Bronx, he knows he's found his wordsmith. But can the Get Down Brothers rise to the top?

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Teenage Buffy Summers was expelled from Hemery High for burning down the gym to kill the vampires inside. Her mother thought that moving to a smaller town like Sunnydale would give Buffy a chance to start anew. Unfortunately, their quaint new hometown is awash with supernatural activity, and a "Watcher" (Rupert Giles, the school librarian) has been sent to train her as a vampire slayer. Thankfully, Buffy has her "Scooby Gang" that includes her friends Xander and Willow to help her solve the town's mysteries and survive high school.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

When Sarah Marshall dumps aspiring musician Peter Bretter for rock star Aldous Snow, Peter's world comes crashing down. His best friend suggests that Peter should get away from everything and to fly off to Hawaii to escape all his problems. After arriving in Hawaii and meeting the beautiful Rachel Jansen, Peter is shocked to see not only Aldous Snow in Hawaii, but also Sarah Marshall.

Modern Family

Jay Pritchett is the patriarch of a chaotic and intertwined "modern" family. Jay was married to DeDe, the flighty mother of his children Claire and Mitchell who are now grown up with children (and challenges) of their own. Jay is now remarried to a fiery Latina named Gloria, who has a son from a prior marriage. Gloria does not feel entirely accepted at times, suspecting (correctly) that Claire, Jay's daughter who is roughly the same age as Gloria, thinks Gloria is a "gold digger."
