Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Growing Up… in the Dunphy family alongside her younger sister, Alex, and younger brother Luke. Haley gets along with her parents, Phil and Claire, fairly well, although she sees through their attempts to prod her in the right direction and occasional strange efforts to “be her friend.”
Living… with her bizzare parents, dorky little brother, and nerdy sister -- at least according to Haley. Much of her friction in the family is with Alex, who is studious and meticulous and couldn’t be more different from Haley. Though she’s sometimes embarrassed of her younger sister Alex being at the same school (and sometimes in the same classes), she does care a lot about her.
Profession…high school student, and among the most popular girls at school. Haley doesn’t do much, but when she does, people pay attention. Having a reputation to uphold is a full-time job.
Interests… shopping, texting cute boys, and more shopping.
Relationship Status… always dating someone: “I haven’t been single since I was 9.” Currently she’s in an on-again, off-again relationship with Dylan, a fellow senior in high school. Dylan is a worry to Haley’s parents as he seems to have no plans or ambition in life other than playing music with his band. But Haley’s folks probably don’t have to worry too much. As serious as Haley insists she is about Dylan right now, she’s definitely shown she’s capable of entertaining more than one crush at a time. It shouldn’t surprise anyone if Haley moved on from Dylan on her own accord.
Challenge… maintaining social standing while keeping her family from embarrassing her. Her real challenge, however, is to find her path and stay on it. She certainly isn’t cut out for academia, but also knows deep down that being popular isn’t exactly a calling in life.
Personality… likable and confident, but ditzy. She thinks an oncologist is a person who gives you glasses, and M.I.T. is another word for a baseball glove. But Haley is savvy in her own way, and knows how people tick. She’s good at giving advice and definitely calls things as she sees them—even when she hasn’t been asked.