Tangie Adrose

Tangie Adrose

    For Colored Girls

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up... in New York City with a single and religious mother and a quiet sister. Though the oldest, Tangie has always been inferior to the eyes of her mother, Alice. The tensions between them highlight the colorist perspectives that are interwoven within the black community.

Living In... New York City. Tangie lives by herself in a secluded apartment. She likes to be her own personal bodyguard, rarely letting visitors stay for long. 

Profession... bartender. Tangie keeps the drinks coming and the men guessing.

Relationship Status... single. Tangie is known for bringing home a different man each night. Although this makes Tangie feel better each night, her days are lonely. As she admits, “I don't know what's wrong with me. My dependency on other human beings for love. I survive on intimacy, and tomorrow that's all I've got going. It's all I've got!”

Challenge… her dysfunctional family. Tangie has been verbally assaulted by her mother her entire life. And her sister, Nyla, has been a constant reminder of her insecurities. The two people who are supposed to matter the most to her only serve as disappointments. As a result, Tangie refuses to count on anyone but herself. This affects how she interacts with the people that enter her life, keeping up barriers to protect herself from being hurt. 

Personality… reckless, bold, and sexy. Tangie does not have many close relationships. She follows her own rules and steps to her own beat. She is not one to watch her mouth and does not think about the repercussions of her actions. Though she may appear selfish, she watches out for people. She cares for others but refuses to seek care for herself.


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