Susie Myerson

Susie Myerson

    The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in the rough Rockaways neighborhood of New York with an alcoholic mother.

Living… in a basement studio apartment in New York that she sublets from an Italian family.

Profession…formerly a manager at the Gaslight Café. When Midge Maisel takes the mic for a drunken rant one night at The Gaslight, Susie immediately recognizes her innate talent and dedicates herself to helping Midge become a star in stand-up. Susie is now Midge’s full-time talent manager.

Relationship Status… single. Susie is too busy spitting out sarcastic one-liners and managing her prize act Midge to get involved in a sappy romance. After all, Susie says: “I’m fine being by myself. It’s been my mantra since I was three.”

Challenge… managing Midge and helping her become a “goddamn legend.” Susie has a real passion for stand-up and is well-versed in the work of great comedians past and present. As Susie is finding out, though, the 1950s may not be ready for female comedians.

Personality… bold and loyal. Susie is loud and unfiltered, even vulgar, and always ready to give people a piece of her mind. But this doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how to be a kind and caring friend. Susie’s toughness perfectly complements Midge’s bubbly personality. Susie’s blunt advice and tough-love approach to mentoring are exactly what Midge needs on her path to stardom.


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