

    Marvel Cinematic Universe

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in Apokolips, a planet of destruction filled with demons. Steppenwolf travels the universe looking for new planets to conquer.

Profession… army general. A loyal servant to his uncle Darkseid, who is the ruler of the world known as Apokolips, Steppenwolf is in charge of the army of Parademons, Darkseid’s minions.

Interests… completing his penance. Steppenwolf is only focused on one objective for the foreseeable future and that is paying the price for his betrayal so he can return to his position as Darkseid’s right hand man. He tried to double cross the people who he helped initially when he turned on Darkseid, but the leader of Apokolips wasn’t having it. Therefore, the only way for Steppenwolf to reclaim his power and clear his name is by conquering 150,000 worlds in Darkseid’s name. 

Challenge… conquering Earth. His latest task is to conquer Earth, where he plots to take back the lost Mother Boxes and add the planet to his already immense collection. With the death of Superman, Darkseid and his troops believe conquering Earth will be a breeze. Steppenwolf is sent to complete the tasks but as opposed to his previous conquests, Earth is no pushover. The Justice League, composed of Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash and Cyborg, the heroes will do everything in their power to protect the world they love. The unification of the Mother Boxes would mean the end of Earth, which is why Steppenwolf believes they are the key to the success of his mission. Armed with Parademons and godly abilities, Steppenwolf must defeat the heroes if he is to please Darkseid.

Personality… loyal, sensitive, and full of rage. Steppenwolf is a loyal servant who will stop at nothing to fulfill the wishes of his leader. He is fearful of Darkseid, and it is this fear that drives him towards violence on Darkseid’s behalf. He is becoming a ruthless killer filled with rage, specifically aimed at the Justice League. Despite his large appearance and powerful abilities, Steppenwolf is sensitive, as he often expresses anger and sadness when others critique him or talk down to him.


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