Stan Rizzo

Stan Rizzo

    Mad Men
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview… the talented, easygoing art director at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. In many respects, Stan fits right in with the rest of the ad agency’s mostly misogynistic male staff. After working for the Lyndon B. Johnson 1964 presidential campaign, Stan has found success at SCDP not really from working hard, but more from his innate ability. Upon beginning work at SCDP, he also begins an immediate rivalry – and eventually a friendship – with colleague Peggy Olson.

Personality… cocky and arrogant, but with a soft side that takes some time to come out. Stan is laid-back and fun-loving, ready to rest on his talent and laurels rather than working especially hard. His playful attitude (often added by a marijuana joint) may clash with the more serious outlooks of some co-workers, especially Peggy. But Stan is always there to get the job done, and even eventually to be a supportive friend.


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