Sidney Prescott

Sidney Prescott

Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in the quiet town of Woodsboro, California. Popular, good looking, and smart, Sidney breezed through her early years – but everything changed when she came home from school one day and found that her mother had been brutally raped and killed.

Living… in fear. Sidney found herself making national headlines when her testimony convinced a jury to convict Cotton Weary of her mother’s murder. Adjusting to the attention wasn’t easy – and now that another killer seems to be on the loose in Woodsboro, Sidney is more afraid of her new local celebrity status than ever.

Profession… high school student. Sidney has no idea what she wants to do for the rest of her life. She does fine in school, but ever since her mother passed away it seems like less and less of a priority.

Interests… staying out of the spotlight. After Sidney was forced into the public eye by her mother’s death, she grew to hate the limelight. These days she’s trying to return to life as a regular, teenage girl – one who doesn’t cause rooms to go silent when she walks in.

Relationship status… dating the very popular and good looking Billy Loomis. Their relationship is fun and easy – although not terribly serious. She’s hoping that he’ll settle for a “PG-13 relationship.”

Challenge… surviving. Sidney is a tragedy magnet. There’s no other word for a person who has to deal with a serial killer taunting them within a year of her mother’s brutal murder. In the face of the murderous attention that Sidney is faced with – and the attention of publicity-seeking TV reporter Gale Weathers – she has to focus all her energies on simply staying alive.

Personality… tough, sensible, and resourceful. Sidney isn’t going to lie down and die for some serial killer. While she’s just as prone to fear as everyone else, Sidney has a natural survivor’s reflex that allows her to navigate life and death moments with an impressive level of poise and grace.


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