Sette Frummagem

Sette Frummagem


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… in a den of thieves, con-men, and other criminals. Her father, Nary-a-Care Frummagem (yes, that’s his real name), is the head of the Frummagem criminal family, which runs the town of New Tahowque. Sette learned to lie, steal, and cheat with the best of them, all the while hoping that her father would someday name her head of the Frummagems.

Living… on the road. Sette’s on a mission for her father, and she hopes if she completes it, she’ll finally be accepted fully into the family. She’s accompanied by Duane, whom she calls her “attack zombie.” He’s a spellcaster who is a reanimated corpse, although much more sophisticated and given to long-winded speeches than most zombies.

Profession… thief and adventurer. It’s Sette’s ambition to succeed her father, and assemble her own gang of ne’er-do-wells.

Interests… treasure, claiming things as her own, and following interesting smells. Sette has a strangely acute sense of smell that she uses mostly to get into more trouble.

Relationship Status… single. Sette has no interest in getting mixed-up with icky romance stuff. She has a world to conquer.

Challenge… getting to her cousin’s establishment halfway across the world. He owes her father jukrum, a tithe-payment all family members have to pay. If she manages to get it, she hopes to be the head of the Frummagem family. In order to achieve that, though, she has to control a magic zombie, cross a war zone, and figure out what’s going on with the Red Berry Boys, a mysterious group of child slavers.

Personality… reckless, bold, and sneaky. Sette might operate on land, but she’s perfectly suited to the life of a pirate, willing to go wherever in search of fortune.  She’s spunky and a little aggravating, and she desperately wants to be accepted by her father. She isn’t much into reading or big words, but she does have a keen mind for mysteries. Sette’s biggest shortcomings are probably her amorality and tendency to lie about everything.


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