Sara Crewe

Sara Crewe

    A Little Princess
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in India with her loving and wealthy father, Captain Crewe. Even though Sara's mother died in childhood, her father made sure she never lacked for parental love. She had every luxury growing up, but her wealth and status haven’t gotten to her head.

Living… at Miss Minchin's Select Seminary for Young Girls. The elite boarding school is the best that London has to offer, but Sara would rather be with her father. Unfortunately, that’s impossible: she just got the news that her father died of jungle fever in India. His wealth was the only reason Miss Minchin treated Sara kindly, and now she’s a penniless orphan. Miss Minchin’s Seminary is now her home, and she has to work to earn her keep.

Profession… student-turned-maid. Sara was a good, intelligent student, but she can no longer afford to be a student at the boarding school. Instead, she has to live in the attic with the scullery maid, her friend Becky. Sara teaches other students and works as a servant and errand-runner, in exchange for mistreatment and near-starvation.

Interests… reading and playing with her beloved doll, Emily. Sara is uniformly kind to others, but she spends a lot of time alone. Miss Minchin took all of her belongings except for Emily, but that doesn’t stop Sara from making up stories, using her imagination, and conducting herself with the poise and grace of a princess. She can befriend both adults and children, and speaks several languages.

Relationship Status… too young for a romance. Sara has many friends, including Becky. In fact, the only person at Miss Minchin’s Seminary that dislikes her is Miss Minchin herself. Of course, the most important person to her was her father, and losing him broke her heart.

Challenge… surviving the wrath of Miss Minchin. Sara’s life at the boarding school is lonely and miserable, all due to the Headmistress’ hatred of her. Before her father died, Miss Minchin was courteous to her, but was jealous of her charm and wit. Now that Captain Crewe is dead, Miss Minchin takes every opportunity to abuse and overwork Sara. She struggles to retain her optimism and kindness.

Personality… intelligent, imaginative, and kind. The other students used to call her “Princess” Sara, and she tries to be a true princess even now that her fortune is lost. She is unwaveringly generous and sympathetic to those who are poorer and hungrier than herself. Sara’s strength of character has survived Miss Minchin’s abuse so far, even though her body and heart are suffering.


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