Sam Button

Sam Button

    The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Profession… dedicated student. Sam is determined to get into a good college, but she has a way to go before she has the stats required. 

Interests… music, parties, and her friends. Even better if all three can be combined. When she’s not sipping a milkshake at Kings Restaurant with her friend Charlie and stepbrother Patrick, she can probably be found spinning some vinyl that you’ve never heard of on her record player. Because as she can attest, “things sound so much better on vinyl.” Sam is also known to stand in the back of Patrick’s truck as he zooms through tunnels, music blasting, wind blowing through her dress.

Relationship Status… single. She’s had a rough past and her fair share of fun with boys, but it made her realize her worth. She was most recently dating an obnoxious, self-centered male model. *Queue eye roll. * But now a guy named Craig holds her heart, and despite teasing from her friends, she claims he is “The One.” We all know how long high school relationships last, though.

Challenge… healing from her past. It’s well known to her friends that Sam’s been through some stuff, although the specifics may not be clear. She was forced to mature at a young age, but now she needs to work on developing healthy relationships with people. Much to Charlie’s disappointment, Sam asks to keep their relationship just platonic. But in his eyes, Sam could do no wrong. Charlie looks at Sam through rose-colored glasses, and his affection leaves a blind spot for her much-needed personal growth.

Personality… kind, supportive, and free-spirited. Sam is the best friend you’ll ever have. She makes sure that the people she cares about are always her number one priority. Whether you’ve had your fill at the party and you need someone to call, or you simply need someone to sit by at the football game, you can always rely on Sam.


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