

    One Punch Man

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in a pretty average apartment, which he doesn’t keep particularly clean. 

Profession… superhero. He used to be a regular salaryman, but he trained himself to have super strength through a simple routine: 100 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats a day, plus running. Through this simple program, he has become the strongest hero in the world. Much to his dismay, however, he’s not the most famous, or the most successful superhero.

Relationship Status… single. He doesn’t even have any fans! No one knows he exists. He has found himself saddled with a disciple of sorts, but he doesn’t love it. Saitama would like more fans, but he’s not willing to do anything to get them.

Challenge… finding a fight that can satisfy him. As he puts it, “Having overwhelming power is… boring as hell.” Saitama is called the “One Punch Man” because he can defeat anything with one punch. There’s no thrill to anything anymore, which is maybe why he doesn’t bother to fight most things. He hopes to find an opponent that can give him a run for his money.

Personality… strong but disaffected. Because nothing challenges him, Saitama has lost some of his zest for life. He tends to spend time reading comics or watching TV, and he usually gets takeout rather than cook. He doesn’t even get upset if people say mean things about him. The two things that get him up off the couch are when other heroes fail to protect people, and when there’s a good sale at the supermarket.


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