Rodrigo Mendoza

Rodrigo Mendoza

    The Mission
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview... a slave-dealer and blade for hire. Rodrigo is the kind of guy who might even kill his own brother – and he does, when he finds his fiancée having an affair his with half-brother Felipe. As penance, he follows Jesuits deep into the South American forests of the Guarani tribes. He is challenged with converting the tribes to Christianity, but first he must convert himself.

Personality… merciless yet repentant. Rodrigo understands the moral difference between right and wrong, and he was raised as a Spanish Catholic. However, years of enslaving natives and killing for money has driven him to moral destitution and, finally, great shame. The only way to save his soul is to find it, again, once and for all.


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