Robert Thorn

Robert Thorn

    Soylent Green
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… after the catastrophes of industrialization and pollution had taken their toll. Unemployment is high, natural flora and fauna are gone, and food is scarce. Robert is used to the overcrowded, dystopian New York City in the year 2022. He’s just another man amongst the 40 million people who inhabit the once-great city.

Living… in the middle of Manhattan with Sol, an older man who used to be a college professor. Robert is getting a bit tired of hearing about the good old days from Sol, who waxes nostalgic about the times when meat, fruit and cigarettes were cheap. Robert gripes, “I know, Sol. You’ve told me a hundred times before. People were better, the world was better…” But he can’t really imagine the world that way.

Profession… NYPD detective. Robert is lucky to have a job. In the year 2022, most of the world is unemployed, and even those who work middling jobs make barely enough money to scrape by.

Interests… solving crimes. Robert has recently come across the murder of William R. Simonson, a wealthy member of the elite 1%. While investigating Simonson’s apartment, Robert discovers a mysterious connection to the Soylent Corporation, a powerful food-production company that is responsible for feeding the underclasses.

Challenge… figuring out why Simonson was assassinated. That will entail piecing together what appears to be a vast conspiracy involving the wealthy man. Robert does not believe that Simonson’s murder was the work of average thugs. As Robert connects the dots and discovers ties between the government and the Soylent Corporation, he finds himself running for his life.

Personality… determined, meticulous, and contrary. Robert refuses to go along with what his superiors believe. He suspects that there are large, dangerous forces behind this “well-planned assassination,” and he's willing to risk his life to find out.


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