Richie Tozier

Richie Tozier


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in Derry, Maine. During his childhood, peculiar and almost supernatural terrors struck their town. Threatened by an extraterrestrial presence that awakens every twenty-seven years to indulge in vicious feeding frenzies, Richie and his friends banded together to form the “Loser’s Club.”  

Visiting… his hometown, Derry. Richie has been summoned by a childhood friend, and fellow Loser, Mike Hanlon. Mike urges Richie to return to their hometown after a string of strange crimes takes place.

Profession… stand-up comedian. Known for his silly demeanor, it is no surprise that Richie found great success from his impersonations and natural comedic ability.

Interests… video games and cracking jokes. As a child, Richie liked to frequent Derry’s local arcade. His usual rotation of routine had once included getting ice cream, reading comic books, and using his friends as a test crowd for his latest impersonations. Unfortunately, for the Loser’s Club, his jokes and imitations would take years to perfect.

Relationship Status… single. Richie has never had a serious interest in anyone outside of his good friend, and Loser Club member, Eddie Kaspbrak. Unbeknownst to anyone, Richie’s internal struggles with his sexuality are amplified upon his return to his hometown. He is trying his best to come to terms with his feelings long buried in the past.

Challenge… overcoming his greatest fears and insecurities while defeating a billion-year-old shape-shifting creature. Both in prepubescent adolescence and adulthood, Richie faces off against It, while evading the mullet-sporting bullies of his past who reunite in Derry. It’s not an easy task, to say the least. As he complains to his friend Bill, “You punched me, made me walk through sh**ty water, dragged me through a crackhouse... and now I'm gonna have to kill this f’ing clown.”

Personality… wise-cracking, insecure, and caring. Richie is referred to as a “trash mouth” by the Loser’s Club due to his vulgar language and frequently inappropriate and ill-timed jokes. Whenever anyone needs to reel Richie back from his unique coping mechanism, his friends often utter the saying “Beep-Beep, Richie.” It’s always more entertaining when Richie is around. 


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