Red Skull

Red Skull

    Marvel Cinematic Universe
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview… the leader of HYDRA, a secret and dangerous division of the Nazis. Red Skull used to be known as the brilliant – but evil – German scientist Johann Schmidt before a test run of the Super Soldier Serum had an unexpected outcome. Though HYDRA develops weapons for the Nazis, Red Skull grows to resent them and aims to overthrow their influence and take over the world for himself.  

Personality… brilliant, ruthless, and domineering. Red Skull seeks ultimate power, and will stop at nothing to attain world domination. Red Skull often lies and manipulates his underlings in order to bend them to his will, and many of the scientists who helped him during World War II only did so because Red Skull threatened the well-being of their families. 


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