Raymond Prentiss Shaw

Raymond Prentiss Shaw

    The Manchurian Candidate
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… with political ambitions. Since birth, Raymond seems to have been destined for greatness – and with the support of his mother, powerful Senator Eleanor Shaw, Raymond seems ready to fulfill her grand plans for her son.

Living… in Washington D.C., where he's something of a celebrity. Part of this is Raymond's charisma; part of it is Raymond's status as a war hero, after receiving the Medal of Honor for his service in Kuwait.  

Profession… running for Vice President of the United States. It seems that everything is aligning for the Shaw: he’s just beaten out his mother’s old political rival for the Vice Presidential nomination, and his political stardom just seems to keep rising up and up.

Interests… his political career. Raymond is content with his success until he receives a strange visit from his old commander, Major Ben Marco, who brings disturbing news about the “nightmares” he’s been having about Kuwait. Seemingly deranged, Ben believes that something else happened in Kuwait, and that the entire unit has been brainwashed – including Shaw. It's a hard story to buy, but Shaw wants to believe his former commander. “Are we friends, Ben?” Shaw asks Marco. “I want to believe we were friends.”

Challenge… dealing with the political pressure caused by Ben’s uproarious claims. After Ben approaches Senator Tom Jordan, Eleanor Shaw’s old rival, with evidence that a corporation called Manchurian Global is trying to hijack the election, Raymond finds himself questioning everything that he thought was true about the war, the United States of America, and his very own past. Shaw wants to believe his old commander, even if it means sacrificing everything he and his mother have worked for.

Personality… clean-cut, honorable, and charismatic. With his voting record, family, and military history, Shaw is the ideal candidate for Vice President. The perfect politician, it’s almost as if Shaw was tailor-made for U.S. politics.


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