


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Profession… the fabulous computer ruler of Cyber World. Her serial number is Q5U4EX7YY2E9N.

Interests… interior design, laughing in a regal manner, playing arcade games against children, drinking martini glasses of battery acid, bananas, creating mixtapes, calibrating cages, collecting new peons, and taking car rides around the Cyber World. 

Relationship Status…single. She may have had a thing with the King, but whatever it was, it's long past now. Still, she is getting along just fine, preoccupied with the responsibilities that come from being the ruler of the Cyber World. While striving for a perfect world where everyone can be happy, Queen often forgoes the feelings and well-being of those around her, from the Lightners to the other Darkner residents of Cyber World, causing many to distrust or even fear her rule.

Challenge… achieving “World Domination.” But her plans for achieving such a thing appear to be elusive at best. She is planning on utilizing her Cyber-Army and she wants the Lightners to join her as her “Peons,” even if that means attempting to recruit them against their will. While Queen is steadfast in her plans, her execution can, at times, be lacking, leaving her to look for immediate backup plans when something goes awry – which is often. Queen also struggles to understand the motivation of those who object to her rule; while she doesn’t let it slow her down, it weighs heavily on her. Although Queen is not completely unaware of how her actions are perceived, she has refrained from bearing any personal consequences that come her way if it’s in the name of progress towards her goals. As Queen says, “I just want to make everyone smile. And if I become an evil villain to accomplish that, is that bad?”

Personality… complex. Queen can be a difficult person (or rather, computer) to figure out. She may initially come off as naïve or even flippant, but she is a compassionate computer. It may be hard to recognize that as she flies around on her jet-propelled throne looking for new minions to ‘persuade’ to join her side, but really, her heart (motherboard?) is in the right place. Though her plans are nonconventional and play fast and loose with ethics, her desire to create a world where everyone can be happy may make her plans for world domination a bit more empathetic to all those who meet her—and all those she captures.


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