Queen Maeve / Maggie Shaw

Queen Maeve / Maggie Shaw

    The Boys
Amazon Prime

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in Modesto, California. Queen Maeve attended Vought’s college before being recruited as the second initial member of The Seven, along with Homelander.

Profession… Former superhero turned double agent.

Interests… martial arts and alcohol. It is difficult for Maeve to breathe freely as she calculates how to best navigate playing her conservative and complacent role under Vought’s watchful eye. 

Relationship Status… involved with a long-term companion, Elena. Around Elena, it’s a bit easier to feel like she’s more than the image she puts out. 

Challenge… making the right choices. Maeve was once a bright-eyed idealist ready to save the world with a brave face. Now, she struggles to come to terms with the options before her. She must decide if she will save face and continue to exist as Vought’s puppet, or step up and put an end to the corruption once and for all. 

Personality… cynical, disillusioned, and determined. As the second strongest member of the Seven, Maeve had aspirations to be a hero people look up to. But unfortunately, Homelander’s cruelty and Vought’s greed chipped away at her hope. She genuinely cares about people and is notably the second least malicious super-abled character, behind Starlight. It is up to her whether she will summon what little remains of the idealist she once was when the time comes for her to act.


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