Peach Salinger

Peach Salinger


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up... in an incredibly wealthy literary family. She’s related to the famous author J.D. Salinger who wrote Catcher in the Rye. Her parents are divorced, something that was quite difficult for her. To deal with that, she throws a huge, extravagant party every year.

Living... the high life in New York City, in a stunning apartment.

Interests… running. As Peach says, "Runner's high is better than sex. And for some, may last longer.

Relationship Status... single. Peach has no shortage of admirers, and James Franco is one of her exes. But the closest relationship in her life is with her best friend Beck, who she met when they were both in college at Brown. Her feelings for her might be stronger than just friendship, but she’s not going to look too hard at it. But their friendship is becoming strained due to Beck’s new boyfriend Joe, who Peach thinks is beneath her (he’s a bookstore clerk, after all). Peach is also annoyed at her other friend Annika, and Peach constantly snipes about Annika’s body and food habits.

Challenge... her family. Peach’s family is not the most accepting. As a result, she’s incredibly neurotic and tightly wound. Another challenge is her chronic bladder issue, which forces her to carefully monitor what she eats and drinks. Peach keeps a meticulous food diary of every calorie that makes its way into her body. And if she drinks, she says “it has to be a high pH, like Ketel One or Goose and pear juice."

Personality... poised, privileged, and manipulative. Peach is beautiful, fantastically wealthy, and brilliant, and she doesn’t hesitate to use any of those things to her advantage. She can also be paranoid, judgmental, and controlling. If someone wrongs her, she will retaliate with everything in her arsenal, as viciously as possible—sometimes disproportionately so.


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