


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in the resplendent Magic-User realm. 

Profession… cleaner for her older cousin, En, working under the guidance of her long-time friend Shin. Though there are unglamorous aspects of her job (namely traveling to the Hole on missions for En), she still gets to work alongside Shin. Their friendly rivalries often keep the job interesting, even if their targets aren’t especially challenging to take care of. Noi’s skills and the fact that she is both related to and working for the notorious En means that she gets to enjoy the very best of sorcerer society.

Interests… spending time with Shin. Noi is drawn to strong people, wanting to befriend them and work with them. If they’re one of En’s targets, she’ll lament that she can’t befriend them because of her orders. That may explain why she’s so close to Shin, who is a strong fighter and sorcerer in his own right. They spend most of their time together, on and off their jobs as cleaners. They often go out to eat together, whether that’s together as friends, or attending fancy events together as high-ranking sorcerers within the Magic-User realm. She can’t refuse a bet from Shin, even if her friend has already rigged the odds in his favor. 

Relationship Status… single. Though she and Shin are very close, it’s unclear if these feelings are romantic in nature. Shin is often embarrassed by any displays of affection. 

Challenges… tracking down the “Magician Killer” residing in Hole, Caimen, given that he and his partner, Nikaido, have been becoming a nuisance to En with their sorcerer-killing habits. This mission seems to be a bit more challenging than the rest, as just tracking Caimen down within Hole is coming with its own difficulties. There’s also Nikaido, who defends Caimen and helps him fight off the advances of the Cleaners. But Noi is coming to realize she’s great at killing. After killing seven targets, Noi admires her work, wondering to herself, “I wonder how many senpai has cleaned up.” 

Personality… free-spirited, confident, and fearless. Noi has incredible combat skills and magical abilities. As a result, she often charges into conflicts without much care, knowing she’ll be able to handle almost anything that’s thrown her way–especially with Shin by her side. As two elite sorcerers, Noi and Shin have what it takes to prevail.


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