Nick "Goose" Bradshaw

Nick "Goose" Bradshaw

    Top Gun

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living in… in the danger zone. Away from his wife and young son, Goose is living in Miramar, California, where he is attending an elite five-week program called Top Gun. It’s for the top one percent of Navy aviators to teach them air combat maneuvering. They fly two combat missions a day, with every encounter increasingly difficult. 

Profession… wingman. Goose is partnered with Maverick, who flies by the seat of his pants and makes the gutsiest moves any Naval pilot has ever seen. Together, they’re vying for the Top gun trophy, and they’re only a few points away from taking the lead. 

Interests… the piano, the Righteous Brothers, and beach volleyball. 

Relationship Status... happily married to Carole Bradshaw. Goose and Carole are deeply in love. Carole calls Goose a “big stud,” joking that he should take her to bed or lose her forever. 

Challenge... keeping Maverick in line. Maverick is a daredevil who will invert a MIG28 plane just to flip the bird to another pilot, and he is known to do flyby stunts to show off to his commanders. Goose wonders if Maverick feels he has something to prove since his father was killed on a Naval pilot mission. Goose has a family to think about, so he hopes Maverick doesn’t blow it for them.  

Personality… fun-loving, optimistic, and loyal. Goose is the most loyal wingman a guy could have (in and outside the cockpit). When in the air, he’s always cheering on Maverick with phrases like “turn and burn” or “go get ‘em.” While Goose is a blast to be around, he’s also serious about his work and never misses a chance to outdo himself.


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