Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Living... happily, with her rather eccentric family in the Addams mansion.
Profession... matriarch. Morticia is descended from a long line of witches and she takes pride in her noble heritage. Since the Addams family has plenty of money, she encourages her brood to follow their unique passions and develop their own morbid hobbies.
Interests... playing music, dancing, cutting roses from their stems, all things gothic, and torture. Like all of the Addamses, Morticia has a rather skewed view of the world. She hates anything bright and cheery and loves all things ghoulish, ghastly, and violent. The more macabre, the better: If her children are playing with butcher knives, she’ll insist they use axes instead.
Relationship Status... married to Gomez. Morticia and her husband have a relationship that’s both sensual and a little unusual. She purrs to Gomez, “Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again!”
Challenge... raising her family – her own unique way. Morticia is a loving, devoted mother and one of her chief goals is shaping her sometimes sadistic children into the best psychopaths they can be. “Wednesday,” she advises her daughter, “Play with your food.” She also helps Gomez deal with his passionate mood swings, assists Grandmama with potions, and is a generous employer to both the family’s butler Lurch and their disembodied hand Thing.
Personality... elegant, aloof, poised, deadpan, well-mannered, and protective. While Morticia adores actual weaponry, her defense of choice is words. Although always polite, she’s unafraid to state her opinions and sees no reason to apologize for her family’s unusual lifestyle. Morticia is also fiercely protective. As she explains to a potential threat, “Our credo [is], ‘Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nun’: ‘We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.’ Not just pretty words.”