Michael Afton

Michael Afton

    Five Nights at Freddy's

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… tormenting his kid brother with his pals. That was Michael’s idea of a fun time. But the fun ended when his brother and sister were killed by animatronics that his inventor father had built. His father went on to become a serial killer, specifically targeting innocent children.

Profession… night shift security guard at (seemingly) most locations that boast the same type of animatronics that killed his siblings. 

Relationship Status… single. There is no room for romance when you’re on a quest to put an end to your father’s wrongs. Michael has devoted his life to tracking down his father to put an end to his evil doings and murdering spree. Michael plays detective, hunting down the bloody trail of his father while protecting as many innocent lives as possible. 

Challenge… coming to terms with the grief and guilt of his past. The ghosts of his kid sister and brother haunt his daily life, but he must not give in to their paranormal manipulation. With a rotting body formerly possessed by scrap parts of an animatronic containing a combination of child souls (yes, seriously) Michael is running out of time…

Personality… guilt-ridden, responsible, and caring. Though Michael is burdened by the gruesome death and disappearance of his younger siblings, his sense of justice overpowers his personal turmoil.


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