Meredith Palmer

Meredith Palmer

    The Office
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in Scranton, Pa., with her son Jake. Her daughter lives with her ex-husband, a definite sore spot for Meredith, who is jealous that her ex got “the good one.”

Profession… working in the purchasing/supplier relations department at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company. Like several of her co-workers, she is a big fan of computer-solitaire-on-the-job. She’s also no stranger to office drama – mainly drama she’s trying to start between Jim and Pam. She’s always thought Jim was too good for Pam.

Interests… drinking. She keeps a flask in her car and knows most of the local bars. She’s even acquired a taste for hand sanitizer. Hey, it works if you don’t have anything else around. She is also a pornography aficianado, with possible onscreen experience.

Relationship Status… twice divorced and always looking. Meredith is among the most promiscuous members of the Dunder Mifflin team. As she once said, “I've had two men fight over me before. Usually it's about who gets to hold the camcorder.”

Challenge… alcoholism, although she’d never admit it. It definitely affects her job performance, leading her to pass out or take off her top or injure herself at almost every office function. Though Meredith’s biggest challenge might be her terrible luck. Any time something in the office falls, it’s virtually guaranteed to fall on her.

Personality… fun-loving, aimless, and shameless. Meredith gets around and has no qualms with sharing the details. She’s definitely the life of the party because you never know what she’ll do next, though it will likely involve nudity. Unfortunately she treats most occasions, including the average workday, as a party.


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