Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Grew up… in a wealthy family in New York City. Though Dr. Sloan has led a seemingly charmed life, it hasn’t all been easy. His cold, distant parents gave him education and opportunity, but they weren't really there for him emotionally.
Living… in Seattle. Mark moved west from New York City in order to follow his two best friends: Derek and Addison. In order to win back their friendship, Mark needs to face their complicated history.
Profession… plastic surgeon. Dr. Sloan sold his successful practice in New York in order to join his friends at Seattle Grace. He’s one of the best surgeons in the country, and isn’t afraid to show off. As he puts it, “I’m Michelangelo.”
Interests… himself. Dr. Sloan is confident and narcissistic, though he may be trying to hide his true inner anguish.
Relationship Status… single. Very single. He knows that the ladies love him, and he’s never been one to turn down an advance from an attractive women, even when it’s his best friend’s wife. His defense: “I’m not a cheater….usually.”
Challenge… winning back his best friend, Derek. Mark lost two friends when he was caught sleeping with Derek’s then-wife, Addison. Derek left New York, followed soon after by Addison, leaving Mark alone. Now Mark has joined them in Seattle in an attempt to right his wrongs.
Personality… smug. Dr. Sloan’s confident persona masks his inner turmoil, in part caused by his unaffectionate parents. He’s a complicated man who is constantly getting involved in complicated romantic situations. Though there’s one thing that no one will deny: Dr. Sloan is among the world’s best plastic surgeons. As he boasts to his colleagues after another job well done, “Am I a fantastic leader or what?”