


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… as a demon in Hell. Luci has been created to terrorize the lives of many. Leading people down their impulsive paths, “[he’s] the guy that makes you feel good about doing bad things”, as he puts it. He has been summoned by Becky the Enchantress and Emperor Cloyd of Maru to destabilize Dreamland’s kingdom through Bean.

Living… with Bean, tied to her for all eternity. Luci tags along in her adventures, whether it’s her kingdom and its secrets or excursions to rival civilizations. And he encourages her to make rebellious decisions. When he’s not directly by her side, it’s usually because he’s planning something, taking a break, …or stuck in a bottle.

Profession... moral conscience for Bean and a servant to Maru. He really knows how to cause disorder.

Interests...  drugs, alcohol, fire, shadows, temptation, and teasing Elfo.

Relationship Status… single. He doesn’t appear interested in others.

Challenge... wanting more from life. As a demon sent by Becky the Enchantress and Emperor Cloyd of Maru, Luci is initially tasked to cause chaos in Dreamland’s kingdom. He says he’s the guy to make others feel good about doing bad things. However, those intentions change as he spends more time with Bean.

Personality... mischievous and unpredictable. He enjoys teasing his friends and pushing others to make irresponsible decisions. As Luci says, “I’m your demon baby. We’re magically linked, like lollipops and rug fuzz.” And when chaos unfolds, he is usually laid back and easygoing. Torn between his conflicting responsibilities, he remains loyal to those he cares about.


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