Lucas Sinclair

Lucas Sinclair

    Stranger Things
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview... a 12-year-old with a good friend in need. Lucas played Dungeon & Dragons with his best friends Mike, Dustin, and Will on Nov. 6, 1983, in their hometown of Hawkins, Ind. But Will never made it home that night, and now the town is searching for him. Nobody is looking harder than Lucas and his other friends, who find a very strange girl named Eleven in their search. Mike allows her to stay in his basement, and it soon becomes clear that she has powerful hyperkinetic abilities. Can she help them find Will, or is she part of the problem?

Personality... loyal but headstrong. Lucas wants to find Will just as badly as his friends do, but unlike Mike, he is suspicious of Eleven from the start. He wants Mike to tell his parents about her, but Eleven uses her mind to slam the door so he can’t – and that’s just her first “trick.” The tension between Lucas and Mike, who has been his neighbor and best friend their whole lives, over Eleven only increases. But you can’t help but think that when push comes to shove, Lucas will be there for his friends. 


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