

Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… in Pylea, a demonic dimension in which fighting and the pursuit of evil are considered the height of honor. Needless to say, the peace-loving demon Lorne (or Krevlornswath of the Deathwok clan, as he was known there) never fit in, and his family was quick to remind him of the shame he brought upon them. 

Living… in Los Angeles, where he arrived after being sucked through the same portal that transported Fred to Lorne’s original home of Pylea.

Profession… owner (and “The Host”) of Caritas, a demon-friendly karaoke bar. Lorne’s bar is notable because it is enchanted so that no demon violence can take place within it, making it a sanctuary of sorts. Lorne uses his mystical powers to read the auras of those who sing at his bar. In doing so he is able to tell them a little bit about their future. 

Interests… alcohol, music, art, and human culture. Being a bar owner comes with its perks, and Lorne takes full advantage of the free booze. Lorne grew up in a world without music, and it is by far his favorite thing about Earth. He loves the way humans interact with each other, and often remarks on the fact that he believes they all have true goodness inside of them, though some of them need more help getting there.

Relationship Status… single. Lorne doesn’t really care about romance or having a relationship with anyone special, human or otherwise. He’ll flirt a little, but he mostly spends his time appreciating the human race as a whole.

Challenge… reconciling his belief in the beauty of the world with doing the right thing. It seems like the two should go together, but neutral Lorne gets pulled into the gray area that Angel Investigations inhabits. Lorne sees the importance of what Angel is doing in fighting evil, but he hates that he has lost his innocence as a result. 

Personality… easy-going, peaceful, friendly, and witty. Lorne’s compassion for humans and demons alike rarely falters. His vivacious personality serves him just as well when interacting with individuals as it does on stage, where he is also a talented performer.


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