Loretta Sage

Loretta Sage

    The Lost City

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Profession… romance novelist. Loretta has become famous for writing a series of romance novels revolving around the adventures of Dr. Angela Lovemore and Dash McMahon. Her novels have a huge cult following and are acclaimed for their notoriously steamy writing and gripping adventure. Loretta’s public image is more deeply attached to her work than most authors because she chose to pose for the covers of her books as the model for Dr. Angela Lovemore alongside Alan Caprison as Dash McMahon. The attachment of her fanbase to her work is extreme, and she feels a lot of pressure to keep producing work that they enjoy—including wearing a onesie full of glitter.

Interests… ancient history. In college, Loretta was study archeology and ancient civilizations. Her interest in the subjects has never faded, and it is not hard to find influences from her academic background in her novels. Her most recent novel, The Lost City of D, is a prime example of this, as she takes inspiration from her knowledge of cities that have been lost to time and are barely remembered.

Relationship Status… widowed. Loretta was married to her late husband for many years, and their relationship was a happy one. The loss of her life partner was incredibly tough on Loretta, and she lost a good deal of motivation to continue her work as a novelist. Many of the themes of romance were reflections of the relationship between her and her husband. He also shared her interest in the ancient world, so it became painful for her to revisit the same subjects without his companionship.

Challenge… rediscovering her adventurous side. Loretta is facing a lot of mental obstacles in her life and career. She feels pressure to continue pumping out novels and promoting them. Loretta is struggling with burnout and the fear that the premature end of her marriage has set her on course for the winter of her life. What she needs is something to spark the joy that she once found in writing. The question is whether she will be open and receptive to such an opportunity when she finds herself in a dangerous jungle with Alan. As she says, “Jungles eat people like us.”

Personality… intelligent, creative, and braver than she realizes. Loretta is an academic at heart and her writing is largely influenced by her background in academia. Her intelligence and experience are her greatest assets and have made her successful in her career. She is a bit clumsy, and despite her obvious, undeniable beauty, she can come across as unconfident. Loretta needs to get her mojo back.


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