Levi Ackerman

Levi Ackerman

    Attack on Titan

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in mysterious circumstances. Not much is known about Levi’s childhood and how he joined the Scout Regiment, but he’s rumored to have been quite the rebel.

Living… with the Scout Regiment. Levi’s always moving, whether it be on horseback or flying through the skies with ODM gear. As a Scout, he isn’t confined inside the walls, often exploring what’s outside, surveying the land, and trying his best to avoid titans.

Profession… Survey Corp Captain. Due to his mastery of flying with ODM gear and killing titans, Levi is known as humanity’s strongest soldier. This title as well as his leadership role in the Survey Corp places a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. Frequently facing titans, the Scouts suffer great losses, but the hope of securing a future for humanity drives them to continue exploring outside the walls.

Interests… cleanliness and tea. Levi is very much a clean freak and always makes sure his blades are spotless and that his squad is keeping things neat and tidy, without a single speck of dust in sight. He’s also a fan of drinking tea, and he uniquely holds his cups backward, by the rim, rather than their handles.

Relationship Status… single. Levi’s got too much on his plate to be worrying about romance. With the heavy casualties the Scouts face, long-term relationships seem futile.

Challenges… staying alive and making sure others do too. Levi’s been through a lot, and as humanity’s strongest soldier, he’s bound to see a lot more. Given his abilities, it’s his responsibility to frequently face titans with his squad. No matter the horrors he goes through and the losses he suffers, he has to keep moving forward and never waver. Levi can be intimidating and strict, but he thinks it’s important to make sure he teaches his men how to survive. As he says, “When it comes to teaching somebody discipline, I think pain is the most effective way."

Personality… tough, brave, blunt, and thoughtful. With near superhuman abilities and experience, Levi is incredibly strong and resilient, despite his small size. Although he can show “tough love,” Levi is incredibly empathetic and cares a lot about his comrades.


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