Larry David

Larry David

    Curb Your Enthusiasm
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living... affluently in his Westside Los Angeles mansion with his wife Cheryl. The house is large but not especially extravagant since Larry is more concerned with comfort and functionality than style and luxury. The Davids frequently entertain guests, though Larry isn’t exactly a natural host: “What is this compulsion to have people over at your house and serve them food and talk to them?”

Profession... retired, more or less. The former co-creator of TV's Seinfeld goes into his office every day, but doesn't really do much work. Though he does entertain himself with various side projects including a lead role in a revival of Mel Brooks' The Producers, a Seinfeld reunion episode, and even a brief stint as a car salesman.

Interests... fine dining and golf. There's nothing like a relaxing round of 18 holes to take your mind off the social trials of the day. Or maybe just a quick 9 since it’s your wife's birthday...

Relationship Status... married to Cheryl, the voice of reason in the relationship who is frequently forced to keep Larry's questionable behavior in line. Their marriage is often tested due to their conflicting personalities and Larry being, well, Larry. But in this case opposites attract.

Challenge... overcoming his cocktail of neuroses. His loose adherence to social norms, unwillingness to compromise, and extreme candidness make him pretty difficult to deal with. He can come off as petty and confrontational, but since in his mind he’s always 100% right, he believes he’s simply making the world a better place. Or as he put it during one of his countless arguments: “We’re fighting because you’re a moron. That’s why we’re fighting.”

Personality... aggressive and sometimes disagreeable, but not a bad guy. Larry's fun-loving, he just doesn't like to be put out of his comfort zone or told that he's wrong. He's the go-to person for telling it how it is, and as long as a few off-color remarks don't bother you, he's great company.


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