

    Hunter x Hunter

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… as a member of the Kurta Clan. That is before they were all persecuted for their coveted scarlet eyes. Now, Kurapika is the sole remaining member.

Profession… Blacklist Hunter. He’s also a bodyguard, personal assistant, and whatever he needs to make ends meet and reach his goals. Kurapika is determined, doing anything to get what he wants.

Relationship Status… single. Kurapika’s not the romantic type—he prefers to keep his relationships professional. Upon first meeting, he may seem cold and distant – Kurapika has a hard time opening up. But when he does form bonds, they’re for life. Although he doesn’t often admit it, he would do anything for his friends Gon, Killua, and Leorio.

Challenge… avenging the Kurta clan. Everyone he’d ever known and loved was brutally murdered when Kurapika was only twelve years old. After experiencing extreme levels of trauma at such a young age, Kurapika dedicates his life to getting back his brethren’s eyes and serving an appropriate punishment to the perpetrators. Namely, the Shadow Troupe. Kurapika will do anything and everything to make sure they receive the karma they deserve. In his words, “I do not fear death. What I fear is that my rage will one day fade away.”  

Personality… calm, fearless, and pragmatic. Every action Kurapika makes is calculated and precise, with little room for mistakes. It’s only when his family is brought up that he loses his cool and lets himself be driven by emotion – for better or for worse. Like all Kurta clan members, Kurapika’s eyes glow scarlet when he experiences intense emotions. Beautiful as they may be, it’s best to not be on the receiving end of his red gaze. If you dare to challenge the Kurta clan’s honor, you better watch your back.


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