Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Grew up… constantly trying to please her difficult mother, Bea. Despite being raised by a cold, distant woman, Kitty grew up to be caring and compassionate.
Living… in Point Place, Wis., with her family in the 1970s. Kitty is proud of her all-American family. She loves to watch over her grumpy husband Red, geeky son Eric and rebellious daughter Laurie. Her family has also grown to include Eric’s best friend Hyde, who moves in with the Formans due to a troubled home life and becomes like an adopted son to Kitty.
Profession… nurse. Kitty loves playing the role of the caring mother, which makes being a nurse a perfect fit for her.
Interests… her family. Kitty would do anything to support her loved ones, especially her only son, Eric. When her husband, Red, calls Eric a “jackass,” Kitty chimes in, “Well, honey, I don’t think you’re a jackass. I think you’re a jack-angel.”
Relationship Status… married. Kitty and her husband Red are an odd combination. Kitty tries her best to balance out Red’s gruff and impatient tendencies. As she once said, “Oh my God. I married the Grinch. I’m Mrs. Grinch!” But Kitty and Red have made a good team for more than 20 years, ever since they met at a USO dance in 1953.
Challenge… being a good parent, even when she becomes upset with her family’s behavior. Kitty wants the Formans to be the American family, and she’s willing to do all she can to stop the corrupting influence of drugs and rock ‘n’ roll from entering her precious son’s life. That’s probably a losing battle in the end, but she’s fighting the good fight.
Personality… sweet, but with a dark side. One would not want to cross Kitty when she’s in a bad mood. In her words, “You know, I love my family, but sometimes I just want to get in the car and run them all over.”