Kit Moresby

Kit Moresby

    The Sheltering Sky
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in the 1940s in New York with her husband, Port. They do not spend too much time there because they are always traveling to exotic places. But please don’t ever call Kit or Port “tourists.” They don’t just go to a place on a strict schedule and return back home; they are “travelers” who go on adventures unrestricted by itineraries or scheduled return flights.   

Visiting… North Africa. In Tangier, the desert sun has never shone more brightly. They have come there with their friend, George Tunner. Kit hasn't decided yet whether she wants to stay for a month or wants to leave tomorrow. It’s a completely different world than she is used to with women in turbans and sand as far as the eye can see.

Profession… writer. Her Broadway play was not a commercial success, but it received good reviews.

Relationship Status… deteriorating after 10 years of marriage. As Kit explains, "For so long, there has been no love, no possibility of it. Port wants me to change for him, but I can't. The terror is always there inside me ready to take command. It is useless to pretend otherwise."

Challenge… facing the fact her marriage is coming to an end. Kit and Port got into a bad fight on the trip that ended with Port leaving and not returning until the next morning. Kit suspects that he spent the night with someone else, but Port thinks that Kit did too. When Port came back home, Tunner was in the bedroom with Kit. He was only there to take her shopping, but Port may have been on to a good idea. After all, she is very attracted to Tunner…

Personality… intellectual, restless, and intense. Kit tends to overanalyze everything; nothing can just be what it is. She has a hard time enjoying the moment, and has become dissatisfied with the world. Instead of wallowing in her sorrow, though, she intrepidly adventures to Tangier. But she may regret that she is not a “tourist.” Tangier is not an easy place to be a “traveler.” 


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