Kirsten Stevens

Kirsten Stevens

    Set It Up

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in New York City. As a workaholic, Kirsten spends most of her time at her office rather than her actual home. Kirsten even keeps a cot in her office.

Profession… famous ESPN reporter turned corporate executive. Kirsten is running an online sports journalism empire, making executive decisions about whether stories will get produced. Her job is demanding and high-pressure, so thankfully her bright assistant Harper is at her beck and call. 

Relationship Status… single. Kirsten puts a lot of emphasis on her career and seems to have little interest in her love life. As she says, “A lot of men proposed to me in my twenties. I could be thrice divorced by now.” 

Challenge… developing feelings for Rick, a successful venture capitalist who works in her building. Her assistant Harper is friends with Rick’s assistant, and they thought they could be a good match and set them up. Kirsten thought she didn’t want anything serious, but she and Rick are falling for each other. It’s exciting, but it also makes her feel something she doesn’t ever feel at work: vulnerable.

Personality… smart, hardworking, and seemingly perfect. As a renowned sports reporter who has made a huge impact in the field of sports, she is inspiring to many. But as a boss, she can be quite demanding and intimidating due to her high expectations. As Harper describes her, she’s “a stunningly beautiful woman with dark hair and a fierceness that's both scary and inspiring.” When she loosens up, Kirsten can be extremely fun and charming to be around.


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