Jo Lupo

Jo Lupo

Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up…in a house with no mother and three brothers. Jo had early dreams of becoming a dancer, but she quickly shed those fantasies in favor of something more masculine, just so she could fit in with her family more. Becoming a U.S. Army Ranger certainly gave her some serious “tough guy” credibility.

Living… in Eureka, Oregon. Eureka isn’t like other towns – it’s entirely made up of geniuses, working on the latest breakthroughs in science and technology. Jo isn’t one of the eggheads, though. She’s law enforcement, in charge of keeping everyone from destroying the town with their science experiments.

Profession… deputy sheriff of Eureka. When the former sheriff retired, Jo thought she would become the next sheriff, but she was passed over for newcomer Jack Carter. That’s made their working relationship a little awkward.

Interests… guns. Jo has what some might call an unhealthy interest in all kinds of weaponry – but it’s probably wise not to mention that to her face. Her favorite show as a kid was The Dukes of Hazzard, and she practiced diving out of car windows and other racing tricks.

Relationship Status… single. Jo occasionally browses magazines like Modern Mercenary to see if there are any compelling personals, but she’s not too worried about it.

Challenge…keeping the town, and the world, intact. Eureka’s experiments have the potential to change the world for the better, but in the testing stages, they often have the power to accidentally destroy it. Together with Sheriff Carter, Jo has to stop black holes, time travel, evil robots, and more. It’s a lot for two non-geniuses to handle.

Personality… no-nonsense, tough, and belligerent. Jo doesn’t take guff from anybody, and she’s got the right hook to back her up. Basically, she’s a bona-fide badass. But that doesn’t stop her from liking girly things. She just keeps it quiet. It’s not easy to provoke her to emotion, but when she smiles, it lights up the room. And when her men are down, she’ll stay with them until they recover. Jo is exactly the person you’d want to fight next to.


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