Jeremy Grey

Jeremy Grey

    Wedding Crashers
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… amidst a seemingly endless flow of new women in Washington, D.C. Jeremy is a wedding crasher, which means that alongside his best friend, John Beckwith, he attends wedding receptions that he wasn’t invited to and where he doesn’t know a single guest. Using aliases and concocting elaborate cover stories, the two of them charm their way into free food and drinks, with the ultimate hope of taking home an unwitting woman whose sex drive has been super-charged by the romance (and angst) of a wedding. Jeremy and John are smooth and charming enough that they easily become the center of attention, and affection, at these glorious outings.

Profession… divorce mediator, again with John. It is a somehow fitting job for two wedding crashers. In a sense, Jeremy is present for the two most dramatic parts of marriage – its beginning at an often flashy wedding, and its potential bitter end in divorce.

Interests… the guidebook for crashing weddings, which was written by his mentor, Chazz Reinhold, who has become legendary in Jeremy’s eyes. Jeremy constantly shouts rules out to John, especially when John talks back to Jeremy. Jeremy might counter, “Rule #76 – no excuses! Play like a champion!”

Relationship Status… single. Jeremy wouldn’t give up his bachelorhood for anything or anyone. He lives for the weekends, when he can go out and pull in a new girl after every wedding he attends. But that could all change after Jeremy and John crash the wedding of the oldest daughter of William Cleary, the Secretary of the Treasury, who it turns out has two other daughters. While John quickly shows interest in Claire Cleary, Jeremy originally thinks he’s found another “soft target” in the seemingly innocent but clingy Gloria Cleary. Soon, however, Gloria turns Jeremy’s life upside down.

Challenge… continuing to crash weddings without any hitches in his plan. Jeremy is often close to being found out for all the lies he weaves. It can be difficult to keep his stories straight, as he becomes a different “character” every week. But even more detrimental to his wedding-crashing plans is the risk of actually falling in love. That might be hitting him now from a direction he least expected.

Personality… hilarious, sneaky, and wise in the ways of women. Or at least, he’s wise in the ways of tricking women to sleep with him. Jeremy is a boatload of fun – until you realize he’s lying about his entire life. It’s a life lacking integrity, but at least it’s full of laughs and ladies. And hey, Jeremy figures he’s just a young kid having fun. Then again, he’s not that young.


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