James Patrick March

James Patrick March

    American Horror Story

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in a Christian but love-deprived household. James’ father was awful to him, and James developed a deep hatred for religion because of how devoted his father was to it. The family wasn’t rich; the wealth that James now has is due to his efforts alone.

Living… at the Hotel Cortez. James isn’t planning on leaving anytime soon.

Profession… former designer of the Hotel Cortez. He built it to fit his very intricate vision. Aside from creating a good character for the hotel, he wanted the space to accommodate his gruesome hobbies, torture, and murder. The hotel is full of death, not only do murders take place there, but also some of the bodies—and souls—never check out.

Interests… killing people. It’s pretty time-consuming, so he doesn’t really have much time for anything else.

Relationship Status… divorced but still emotionally married to Elizabeth Johnson. Although he is obsessed with her, she could not be more disinterested in him. She only married him for his money and supported his malignant side quests, but she can’t stand him now. However, the two still have somewhat civil monthly dinners together.

Personality… playful, but not in a normal context. He gets giddy about killing people, allowing himself to take creative liberties in how he will torture and ends someone’s life. James is always seen with a pinstripe suit, slicked-back hair, and a perfectly groomed mustache. His appearance is deceiving; you wouldn’t expect him to be such a cold-blooded killer.


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