Jack Morrison

Jack Morrison

    Ladder 49
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… in Baltimore. Jack made his way through fire academy, and afterwards, he has the opportunity to work for the Baltimore City Fire Department Engine Company 33, one of the most engaged and hardest-working companies in the city.

Living… with his brothers of Engine 33. These friendships are forged literally with fire, so the bonds Jack makes in the company are strong; when you're going headfirst into a burning building, you have to know that your fellow firefighters have your back and would do anything for you. In particular, Jack has become close to his Captain, Mike Kennedy, who also acts as his mentor.

Profession… firefighter. Jack is quick on his feet, and is pretty adept at his job. However, it's clear that life in this profession is a dangerous one, and that death lurks behind every burning corner in every building. Sometimes it's pure luck that you make it out of the inferno – one wrong step and you're burned alive. The burns of one of his former firefighters who unfortunately didn't make it out alive leave a lasting impression on him.

Interests… beer. In his younger days, he used to enjoy chugging contests with his buddies.

Relationship Status… devoted to his wife Linda, who he picked up in a supermarket. They have been together ever since and have two kids together. Linda is one of his biggest supporters, but she hopes she never has to tell her kids that their father isn’t coming home.

Challenge… a fire like no other. People are trapped in a burning warehouse, and grain dust in the building could explode at any moment. He is determined to save a man who can’t get out of the 12th floor.

Personality… extremely courageous. Jack is selfless in his heroism, despite having seen what happens to firefighters who don't make it out of the fire. Although most anyone else would call him brave, he is not so sure. He shows his vulnerability and fears – as well as his determination. 


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